Tuesday, October 28, 2008


The reason I haven't done a posting for so long is because I have been in Bali - part holiday, part business.
This was the fourth time I have been to this beautiful Island - the majority of the population are Hindu and everywhere you go are "offerings"; every house has its own temple ranging from a very simple one to elaborate buildings. Each night the owner of the land our villa was built on came round with her children and put beautiful creations made up of banana leaves filled with frangipani, various other tropical flowers and incense sticks outside all of the rooms. We looked forward to her visit every evening, it was a very beautiful and peaceful time.
These are just a few of the many photos I took over the weeks - hope you enjoy them.

view from the villa

life still goes on as it always has done

took this in a garden at a villa I visited

entrance to a Balinese house

another entrance

loved this pink combo!

off to temple

end of the procession

silks at the market

shoppers paradise at the markets in Ubud

there are beautiful gates everywhere

stunning sunset

the garden is full of beautiful features

Helaconia - aren't they gorgeous?

flower petals for the offerings

evening offerings

making more elaborate offerings - these are all carved from coconut leaves

the work that goes into these is amazing

driving in Bali is like being part of the Wacky races! the good thing is that there is no road rage and plenty of calming statues to look at!!

I got very healthy in Bali - overdosed on mangoes though

another beauty outside an outdoor shower